Qingzhen expands water quality monitoring network


Southwest China's Qingzhen city is undergoing a major expansion of its network of automated water quality monitoring stations, in a move aimed at improving the water quality in its rivers.


Baking Pan Food Festival hosted in Qingzhen


On August 10, Qingzhen of Guizhou Province launches the Baking Pan Food Festival, a nine-day event for food lovers in the city.


Guizhou Adolescent Robotics Competition 2019 kicks off in Qingzhen


The 5th Guizhou Adolescent Robotics Competition 2019 is held on April 27 in Qingzhen city in Guizhou province.


Electricity distribution reform pilot project takes place in Qingzhen


The signing ceremony of the pilot project for the reform of the distribution of electricity in Qingzhen Economic Development zone, Guizhou province, was held in the Qingzhen Municipal People's Government on February 20.


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