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Urban-rural water supply integration benefits villagers

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2023-08-30

Zhang Lianmei, a resident of Shiniu village located approximately 30 kilometers away from Qingzhen city's urban areas in Guizhou province, Southwest China, expressed her satisfaction, stating, "Now the water we use is identical to that used in the urban area, safe and cheap."

The government's urban-rural water supply integration initiative has positively impacted around 300,000 individuals living in rural areas.

Zhao Xianlun, the director of Qingzhen's bureau of water affairs, explained, "We mainly set up water plants based on major drinking water sources. One plant can cover several towns. Meanwhile, the main water supply pipes are interconnected, making water supply complementation possible."

Qingzhen's main water distribution networks have now extended in three directions. In recent years, the city has initiated seven water supply projects, amounting to a total investment of 420 million yuan ($58.34 million).

Zhang further remarked, "In contrast to our previous village-specific water supply system, these new water treatment plants provide superior water quality at a reduced cost. Nowadays, should any water-related issues arise, we simply need to contact the water supply companies for resolution."

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